Okay so it has been a year and 2 months since I have relaxed my hair. I have had some challenging days along the way. I still wear wigs and sew in weaves, but I find it a lot healthier on my hair. It's funny that I have always had straight hair and now it's hard learning how to take care of my natural hair texture. When I was younger from ages 5 to 14 my mom washed, conditioned, blow-dry and pressed my hair every two weeks. Then when I turned 14 years old my mother gave me a relaxer and told me to do my own hair. My hair has not been as long or healthy as it was when my mommy use to do it. I have since went back to how my mom treated my hair and I have noticed a healthier difference. I braid my natural hair when I decided to wear a wig or weave and it is a better option.So I decided to create the "Hair It Iz" section where I will be giving some hair advice. In this section I will also be recommending so hair products I find helpful. Let's get it crackin'...
Top 3 products of the week:
#1. Ampro Pro Styl Olive Oil Gel

This is a new product by Ampro and it's not the old black, thick, hard Pro Styl gel we remember. This gel gives you a nice hold but doesn't dry your hair out. It also is made completely from Olive Oil so it moisturize your hair. The best part is that it doesn't flake up or leave your hair with a caked up feeling. This gel works great on natural hair types and weaves. It's alcohol and paraben free!!! You can find it at any local beauty supply in 2 oz, 10 oz and 32 oz containers and ranges from $3.00 to $10.00 in my area.
#2. MilkyWay Weave Clip~Ins

These clip in pieces are great for just adding some quick length or fullness to your hair. They also are a great way to add extensions without damaging your natural hair. they come is a few different straight and curly styles. They can be found at local beauty supply stores or online at store.goldenmartbeautysupply.com. They range in price from about $30.00 to $70.00 depending on length and style. You get 7 clip-in pieces per pack. You can also try bangs without cutting your hair.
#3. Conair Xtreme Instant Hot roller set
These quick rollers are the bomb diggity! The heat up in 75 seconds (1 min 15 sec) and not old does the roller itself heat up but it also heats up the roller clip. It worked great on natural or relaxed hair. It comes with a total of 20 rollers 8 jumbo rollers (1.25"), 6 large rollers (1"), 6 medium rollers (.75"), 20 roller clips, and heating case with cover. The ends of rollers have a stay cool tip to prevent burning and system has a ready light to let you know when rollers are hot & ready. Retails for about 30.00 to 45.00 depending on where you go. The best place to grab one is either at conair.com or at your local target.
check'em out and tell me if they work for you...
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